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Invitations are used to start placement tests.

Once you invite a candidate to take a placement test via the Dashboard, they receive an email with a link to start the placement test, and an invitation is created.

The invitation keeps track of the candidate's email address, and links to a placement test once a placement test has been started.

Only one placement test can be created from one invitation.

In the Invitations sidebar menu, you have three sections:

All invitations

This is a list of all invitations sent through Linguapop.

Clicking on an invitation opens its details.

Open invitations

This is a list of invitations that haven't yet been accepted.

This means that your candidate hasn't started the placement test from the link in their email.

Stale invitations

This is a list of invitations that haven't been accepted in more than 7 days.

This means that you candidate hasn't started the placement test 7 days after you sent the invitation.

You can use this to remind candidates to start their placement test.